This way I have the files and information handy in case I want to use them again or share the. Sims3pack file and back this information up along with said CC files into a folder called Sims3CC. What I like to do is take note of custom content's name, links. This file is probably used by the Sims 3 Launcher. HowTo: Install Sims 3 Custom Content without the Launcher. This is contained in the folder called "WorldCaches". However it seems that it doesn't to some people. Screenshots saved in-game are saved in this folder, not the launcher as the game says.Ĭache files that the game generates to make future loads of the world "faster". For your information (FYI), deleting a saved game in the game will keep the game's files in this folder named ".backup". Deleting this will cause to lose all of your saved games. When you save a game, it is put in this folder. Sims that you have saved in Create-A-Sim will be saved in this folder. Videos that you recorded in-game are put in this folder. Deleting this folder will delete every mod you put in there.

Mods are contained in a folder called "Mods" which should have been created by the user. txt files if you want to look at details regarding the crash. Otherwise, you are only able to open the. If you have debugging software, you can open the. These files come as a text tile (.txt) and a crash dump file (.mdmp or. Here are some of the types of files that you may see in your folder. You may see other files in your folder, and they were probably generated by the game at some point or download by the Sims 3 Launcher. This means that if you delete these files, they will be regenerated by the game the next time you start it.