To remove blocks just hover over the block you want to remove and click the right mouse button. If you want to change the direction a block is going just press the Q key.

You can put blocks on the ground, on the lift, or on a creation. If you are building with blocks all you need to do is get them out of your inventory, then hover over the place where you want to put them, and click the left mouse button. Now, however, you need to know how to build, it is one of the most important things in Scrap Mechanic. There you have it the down right basics of the controls in Scrap Mechanic. To navigate the hot bar you can use your number keys and mouse wheel. All you need to do is press the I key the access the inventory. Now, all you have to do to sprint is hold down the shift key and press one of the SAWD keys to sprint in that direction. Yes Ladies and Gentlemen the infamous spacebar key. Second off you need to jump, all you need to do to do that is to press the key in the middle of the bottom row of your keyboard. Well first off you can use SAWD to move aka the keys W,A,S, and D but calling it SAWD just sound cooler. I mean the first thing you need to know is how to move, jump, and access your inventory.